

2003 - 2009   密歇根大学, 罗斯商学院,商业经济学博士
2001 - 2003   纽约大学伦纳德·斯特恩商学院, 统计学硕士(专业:金融工程)
1996 - 2000   中央财经大学经济学学士  

清华大学经管学院, 金融系教授金融系副主任


1. 赵烁, 施新政, 陆瑶, 刘心悦, "兼并收购可以促进劳动力结构优化升级吗?", 金融研究, 10期, 484卷, 150-169页, 2020
2. 陆瑶, 张叶青, 黎波, 赵浩宇,  "高管个人特征与公司业绩——基于机器学习的经验证据", 管理科学学报, 2期,23卷, 120-140页, 20203. Gao, Wenjing, 陆瑶, 施新政, "TRADE LIBERALIZATION AND CORPORATE INCOME TAXAVOIDANCE", Economic Inquiry, Vol.57, No.4, pp.1963-1980, 20194. 李小荣, 陆瑶, "劳动力市场与公司金融关系研究进展", 经济学动态, 3期,120-133页, 20195. 陈大鹏, 施新政, 陆瑶, 李卓, "员工持股计划与财务信息质量", 南开管理评论, 1期,22卷, 166-180页, 20196. 施新政, 高文静, 陆瑶, 李蒙蒙, "资本市场配置效率与劳动收入份额 - 来自股权分置改革的证据", 经济研究, 12期, 20-37页, 20197. 陆瑶, E. Han Kim, Shinwoo Kang, "DoesIndependent Directors’CEO Experience Matter?",Review of Finance, Vol.10, No.10, pp. 905-949, 20188. 陆瑶, E. Han Kim, "Executive suiteindependence: Is it related to board independence?", Management Science,Vol.64, No.3, pp. 1015 - 1033, 20189. 陆瑶, 施新政, 杨博涵, 张叶青, "沪港通实施、资本流动与A-H股溢价", 经济学报,1期, 5卷, 38-63页, 2018 10. 陆瑶, 彭章, 冯佳琪, "融资融券对上市公司治理影响的研究", 管理科学学报, 11期,21卷, 92-111页, 2018 11. 陆瑶, 施新政, 刘璐瑶, "劳动力成本变动与盈余管理-基于最低工资政策变动的实证分析", 管理世界, 3期, 1卷, 146-158页, 2017 12. 王瑞, 陆瑶, 施新政, "出口与企业避税",清华大学学报(自然版), 6期, 57卷, 667-672页,201713. 陆瑶, "“辛迪加”风险投资与企业创新", 金融研究, 6期,159-175页, 201714. E. Han Kim and Yao Lu, “Executive suiteindependence: Is it related to board independence?”,forthcoming at Management Science (A+)15. Vikramdita Khanna, E. Han Kim and Yao Lu, “CEO connectedness and corporate frauds”, Journal of Finance (A+) 2015, 70 (3): Page 1203-1252.16. Thomas Lyon, Yao Lu, Xinzheng Shi and Qie Yin, “How do shareholders respond to sustainability awards?Evidence from China (with Thomas Lyon, Yao Lu, and Qie Yin; forthcoming inEcological Economics)How do shareholders respond to sustainability awards?Evidence from China”, Ecological Economics (SSCI,5-year Impact Factor: 3.929), 2013, 94, Page 1-8 (Lead Article).17. E. Han Kim and Yao Lu, “Corporate governancereforms around the world and cross-border acquisitions”Journal of Corporate Finance (A), 2013, 22, Page 236-253.18. Yao Lu and Xinzheng Shi, “Corporategovernance reform and state ownership: Evidence from China” Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies (SSCI), 2012, 41, 665-695(Lead Article).19. “Corporate governancereforms around the world and cross-border acquisitions”Journal of Corporate Finance, 2013, 22, Page 236-253, with E. Han Kim.Available at: “Corporate governance reforms around the world and cross-borderacquisitions” Journal of Corporate Finance, 2013, 22,Page 236-253, with E. Han Kim. Available at: E. Han Kim and Yao Lu, “CEO ownership, external governance, and risk-taking”,Journal of Financial Economics (A+), 2011, 102 (2), Page272-292.20. E. Han Kim and Yao Lu, “Is chief executiveofficer power bad?” Asia-Pacific Journal of FinancialStudies (SSCI), 2011, 40, Page495-516 (Lead Article).21. Yao Lu and Jiangyan Hu, “Theimpacts of hometown connection between the CEO and board on corporate frauds”,Nankai Business Review, 2016, 19(02), Page 52-62.22. Yao Lu and Cha Li,“CEO influence overthe board and corporate fraud, Journal of Financial Research, 2016, (01), Page176-191.23. Yao Lu, Mingyu Zhang, “Effects of CEOeducation background on firm performance”, Journal ofTsinghua University (Science and Technology),2015,55(4), Page 428-442.24. Jing Xu ,Yujie Zhu,and Yao Lu,“Merit-based regulation of newshare issuance and financial constraints of publicly listed companies in China”,Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology),2014, 54(07),Page 959-965.25. Yao Lu and Jiangyan Hu, “CEO-DirectorHometown Connection and Corporate Risk” ManagementWorld, 2014, (03), Page 131-138.26. Yao Lu and Minfeng Yuan, “IPOoverpricing and IPO pricing efficiency: An analysis on shareholders’ characteristics, Journal of Tsinghua University (Science andTechnology), 2014, 54(03), Page 381-393.27. Yao Lu, Yujie Zhu and Xiaoyuan Hu, Institutional shareholder ownershipand corporate fraud: Evidence from China, Nankai Business Review, 2012, 2012,15(01), Page 13-2328. Yao Lu and Yuye Zhao, Foreign underwriters and IPO overpricing, Reviewof Investment Studies, 2012, (01),Page71-83.29. Yao Lu, Xinzheng Shi and Shiwu Zhu, “Long-termimpacts of China’s ‘Unifyingtwo tax schedules” reform’”,Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology), 2012, 52(08), Page1130-1137.陆瑶、胡江燕,《CEO与董事间的“老乡”关系对我国上市公司风险水平的影响》,《管理世界》, 2013。(CSSCI收录)陆瑶、袁敏峰,《新股“破发”与IPO定价效率:基于股东特征的分析》,《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》,2013。(EI收录)30. Yao Lu and Xiaoli Shen, “Informationcontent of stock prices and earnings management: Evidence from Chinese stockmarket, Journal of Financial Research,2011, (12),Page 131-145.31. Yao Lu, Cong Yan and Yujie Zhu, “Cancross-board M&As create value for Chinese acquirers?”, Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology), 2011,51(8), Page 1145-1154.32. Yao Lu, Ping He and Bian Wu, “Non-controllingstate ownership, investment efficiency and firm performance, ” Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology), 2011,51(4), Page 513-520.33. Yao Lu, “Activating markets forcorporate control and firm value”, Journal of FinancialResearch, 2010, 361(07),Page 144-157.34. Rui Wang, Yao Lu and Xinzheng Shi, Exporting and tax avoidance,accepted by Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology), 2016.


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