


主要研究方向 宏观经济学,国际金融,计算经济学
学历: 2015 经济学博士, 乔治城大学 (Georgetown University)
2010 金融学硕士, 清华大学
2008 金融学学士, 南开大学
已发表论文 Marriage Squeeze, Marriage Age and theHousehold Savings Rate in China, Journal of Development Economics, 2020,147(102558)
Trade, FDI and Global Imbalances,Journal of International Money and Finance, 2020, 105(102188); joint with WeiLi and Zi Wang
Nonlinear Capital Flow Tax: Capital FlowManagement and Financial Crisis Prevention in China,China & World Economy, 2019, 27(4): 1-28; corresponding author, joint withJiandong Ju, Li Li, Kang Shi and Shang-Jin Wei, 2016年中国金融学术年会最佳论文奖
Amplification and Asymmetric Effectswithout Collateral Constraints, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics,2017, 9(3): 222-266; joint with Dan Cao
Optimal Monetary Policy in China,China & World Economy, 2011, 19(1): 83-105; joint with Ping He, GuanglongWang and Xiang Zhang
“国际基金投资视角下中国资本流动管理:有效性和外溢性”, 《经济研究》, 20207, 与靳玉英、罗子嫄合作
工作论文 Uncovering the Effects of Zero Lower Boundwith Endogenous Financial Wedge, joint with Dan Cao and Wenlan Luo, 已投稿. (之前版本文章题目为:Fisherian Asset Price Deflation and the Zero LowerBound)
Market Uncertainty and International Trade,joint with Haichao Fan and Zhiwei Xu, 已投稿.
Global DSGE Models,joint with Dan Cao and Wenlan Luo, 已投稿.
获奖及资助情况 上海财经大学校研究生课程教材建设项目:《国际经济学》,2019 - 2020
国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(批准号 **):基于异质性经济主体框架的资本流动金融风险测度与调控机制研究,2019 2021
上海财经大学科研启动资金,2015 2017


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