

问题分析与解决ProblemAnalysis & Solving
Ø  多媒体+VCD+互动的培训模式,使学员对培训内容印象深刻Interactive & 2 way communication;
Ø  以学员为中心,使学员在轻松活泼的教学游戏、模拟演练中能力得到提高Participants focus & simulations;
Ø  学员将练习讨论、发言、角色扮演;并有机会亲自体验、演练其所学的知识和技能Role play & exercises。
课程对象Who Should Attend:中高层管理者Directors &Managers.
课程天数Course Length::1-2天days
培训地点Location:根据客户要求Customer choice
课程提纲 Course outline:

  • 问题分析与解决综述Overview of PAS Activities
1)  如果你不解决问题,你就是问题If you don’t solve the problem, you become a problem.
2)  问题是改进的种子!Problems are the seeds for improvement!   
3)  问题就是积极的机会!Problems are positive opportunities!            
4)  没有问题,就是大问题!If there are no problems, than something is wrong!                             
5)  问题并不意味着指责!Problems are not about blaming people!
6)  出现问题是由于系统中存在缺陷。Problems occur because of failures in the system
7)  对于问题,员工负责15% ,系统和管理者负责85%。Peopleare responsible for 15%, system & managers 85%
8)  什么是问题?What is a problem?
9)  问题分析与解决流程Problem solving process

  • 描述问题Problem Description
1)  陈述出现的问题state the problem that is occurring
2)  掌握情况Grasp the Situation

  • 定义问题Problem Definition
1)  定义问题-针对具体情况对问题进行定义Problem Definition -Specifically define the situation
2)  标准The Standard
3)  偏差The Deviation
4)  持续时间The Time Period

  • 确定原因所在Locate Point of Cause
1)  找出(部件上)出现问题的位置LocatePosition of Occurrence (on the part)
2)  观察与追溯到Observation: Go back to
3)  确定原因所在Locate Point of Cause

  • 调查原因Cause Investigation
1)  运用5个为什么的调查方法来找出根本原因5 Why Investigation to findthe Root Cause
2)  解决现场问题的10个基本意识 10 tips for problem solving
3)  三現主義(现场中心主义)Go & See at the Gemba

  • 补救及长期对策 Band/Aid & Long-term     Countermeasure
1)  实施补救和对策Implementing a Band-Aid & Countermeasure
2)  补救是一种临时解决办法,遏制问题的进一步恶化A Band-Aid is a temporary solution, to contain a problem
3)  对策则必须根本解决问题!A Countermeasure must address the root cause!

  • 跟踪和检查Follow-Up & Check
1)   RASIC模型 RASIC Model
2)   时间与成本Date & cost

  • 鱼骨图因果分析法Fish Bones Analysis
4)  人员Man
5)  机器设备Machine
6)  材料Material
7)  方法Method
8)  环境Environment

  • 问题交流与解决报告Problem Communication     &Solving Report
1)   问题交流与解决单页报告One-page Report
2)   如何准备问题交流与解决单页报告How to prepare One-page Report

  • 问题分析与解决案例分析
1)   女飞行员的绝唱Case Study: the Last Flight of the Lady Pilot
2)   精益办公室Lean office

  • 问题分析与解决案例总结Summary of PAS
3)   提供了一个企业中每个成员都能理解并遵循的标准化问题解决程序A standardized problem solving process that everyone in theorganization understands and can follow
4)   PAS使成员间易于交流,迅速了解人员在进程中所处的位置PAS allows easier communication and allows for a quick understandingof where people are in the process
5)   PAS针对了问题的根本原因,而不是仅仅停留在问题的表征上PAS attacks the root cause, not just the symptoms
6)   PAS具有逻辑性,易于遵循PAS is logical and easy to follow


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