

             Project Management Full Life Cycle Simulation Lecture 
   With the rapid development of Internet and industry 4.0, the developmentof enterprises has shifted from the model where big companies beating smallones to the present one where fast company beating slow ones. Traditionalmanagement is to control costs through continual improvement, then the core ofproject management
is to raise efficiency in an uncertainenvironment. Even in operations and production activities, project managementhas become more and more popular, which can continuously improve the operationlevel and efficiency, and make the risk more controllable.
   This course not only teaches the tools and methods of projectmanagement, but also enables each student to learn the core technology ofproject management and realize the core thinking of project management throughsand table simulation.

课程收益(Lecture Benefit):    

Learn the ten major areas of knowledge and five processgroups of project management 
Learn Critical Chain Project Management  

◎  帮助学员从发挥项目最大的商业价值的角度评价项目;
Help studentsevaluate projects from the perspective of maximum
commercial valueof the project
◎  有能力确定各个阶段的工作重点; 

   Able to identify priorities at all stages
◎  理解不能等待公司领导和业务部门来支持项目,而必须调动组织内部
   Understand that key point is not to wait for company leaders andbusiness departments to support projects, but to mobilize each stakeholderwithin the organization to offer due diligence.
◎  学会从利益相关方的角度开展项目工作;
   Learn to carry out project work from the perspective ofstakeholders   
◎  学习增强各个相关方的参与度的方法;
   Learn to increase the engagement of all relevant parties
1. 项目管理与传统管理的区别
                The difference between project management and traditional management
               2. 项目管理的知识体系
                 Project management knowledge System 
3. 项目失败因素分析Why project failed? 
  ◆  从单纯的项目管理技巧到应对项目外部环境变化
      From the simple project management skills to addressing external
      environment changes
  ◆  定义对项目产生影响的利益相关方
      Define stakeholders who have impacts on the project
               4. 项目的商业价值和利益相关方对商业价值的影响
                 The commercial value of the project andthe impact of the stakeholders
                 onthe business value
  ◆  为什么项目成功不等于让大家满意 
                     Why project success doesnot mean satisfying everyone?
  ◆  区分项目产出和商业价值
      Distinguish between project output and business value 
  ◆  项目经理对利益相关方的调动作用 
      The role of project manager in mobilizing stakeholders
5. 项目推进六个阶段的定义和挑战
                 Full project life cycle definition and challenges of all six phases
■   预研一阶段(调研) Phase I:Initial Investigation
  ◆  比较各个小组的选择对商业价值,预算,时间的影响
      Compare the effects of each group's choices on business value,
      budget, and time 
  ◆  分析各个事件的处理方式对各个利益相关方的信心和参与度的影响
      Analyze the impact of various events on the confidence and engagement
      of stakeholders
■   预研二阶段(可行分析和项目边界) PhaseII: Feasibility Analysis
  ◆  寻找各个小组的项目短板因素
      Find short board factors in each group
  ◆  对本阶段的所有事件决定如何处理
      What are the arrangements for all events at this stage? 
  ◆  分析总结各事件的处理对各个利益相关方的信心和发挥程度的影响
      Analyze and summarize the impact of various events on the confidence
      and effectiveness of each stakeholder
■   设计一阶段(框架设计) PhaseIII: Summary framework design
  ◆  处理规范性和灵活性的冲突
      Dealing with conflicts between standardization and flexibility
  ◆  如何应对来自组织的要求
      How do you respond to requests from organizations?
■   设计二阶段(模块设计) Phase IV:Module design or detailed design
  ◆  新机会对项目边界的影响
      The impact of new opportunities on project boundaries
  ◆  项目成员的日常工作和项目工作的冲突
      Conflicts between project members' daily work and project work     
■   开发阶段 (变成现实) Phase V:Prototyping or Development into reality 
  ◆  组织和项目的兼容问题
      Organization and project compatibility issues
  ◆  如何应对工作量的大幅增加
      How to cope with a substantial increase in workload? 
■   实施阶段(交付和推动) Phase VI:Delivery and Closure
  ◆  组织反映迟缓  Delayed issue response
  ◆ 领导如何看到价值  How leaders see project value
6. 案例分析 Case Study
  ◆  分析模拟结果并对各阶段失败事件进行分析
      The simulation results and failure events at each stage are analyzed
  ◆  各个阶段的输出和关键事项重新总结
      Outputs and key issues at each stage are reviewed
  ◆  分析三类利益相关方在不同阶段分别有什么需求
      Analysis of three kinds of stakeholders needs at different stages
      Including project steering team, project team and other outsidestakeholders
  ◆  针对各个阶段的各个利益相关方进行总结:项目经理的应对策略
      Summarize the stakeholders at all stages: project managers' copingstrategies
  ◆  如何让时间和成本被有效的保证
      How can time and cost be effectively guaranteed?


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