
岳云峰:Cross-Cultural Communication for International Business

forInternational Business
To understandwhat culture is
To recognizethe cultural differences
To study the culturaldimensions theory
To apply the philosophyproperly in varied societies
To avoid conflictin international business
To obtain theabilities for cross-cultural communication

Ø  充分认识文化的内涵
Ø  掌握客户与我们的文化差异
Ø  掌握跨沟通的核心原理;
Ø  在不同社会中合理运用不同的思维
Ø  在业务中避免国际交流冲突
Ø  针对国际采购/国际营销/跨国服务类企业目标群体促进跨文化沟通及管理的有效应用.
【Duration】1-2 (6-12H)

I.     Cultural phenomenonand fundamentals
1.    Case study: Cultural phenomenon in global activities
2.    What is culture?
3.    Stereotype for culture
4.    Culture shock
5.    Revised culture shock
II.    Culturaltypes
1.    Case study: How to motivate the varied people---clients or colleagues?
2.    How to distinguish the cultural types of theclients from different countries?
3.    Cultural ValueDimensions variation
4.    How do the cultural values affect the managementfor an enterprise’s internationalisation process?  
a)   ethnocentrism
b)   polycentrism
c)    regionalcentrism
d)   geocentrism
III.  Cultural awarenessin international communication
1.    Do you know the cultural features of your ownculture?
2.    How to get closer to other cultures as anoutsider?
3.    Levels of culture--- The Onion Model
4.    Case study: Method for linking theclients in international business
IV.  Culturaldifferences and philosophies
1.    Case study:How does the cultural conflictgenerate? How to avoid it?
2.    3-steps for cross-cultural communication
3.    Hofstede’s  Cultural Dimension
a)    Power Distance
b)   Uncertainty Avoidance
c)    Individualism vs. Collectivism
d)   Masculinity vs. Femininity
e)    Long Term vs. Short Term
4.    Case study:Is it always the same between a leader and an employee in different culture?
5.    Trompenaars’ Cultural Dimension
a)    universalism vs. particularism
b)   Individualism vs. communitarianism
c)    Neutral vs. Affective
d)   Specific vs. Diffuse
e)    Achieved status vs. Ascribed status
f)                            Time orientation
g)   Internal & External orientation
6.    Case study:Which philosophy will apply to you when working?
V.   Tactics for cross-cultural communication
1.    Case study : Isthere any relevance between language performance and a joke?
2.    Is there a short-cut for keeping communicationlines open?
3.    To understand the very meaning of the foreignspeakers
4.    How to use your hummer for cross-cultural communicating
5.    Application: Designyour business activities by using Cross-cultural communication tool


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