

1 厨政管理难点汇总Summary of culinary management difficulities2 看移动互联和厨房高新设备是如何颠覆传统厨政管理的see how mobile internet and kitchen high tech equipment toppletraditional kitchen management
3 出品质量监管的新举措 new measures of supervision of culinary product quality
4 厨房布局、配置及餐具管理新趋势 new trends of kitchen layout allocation and tableware
模块二 module two
1一人多岗,一专多能 one person with multi skills & several positions
2.出品部岗位设置创新与人员配置分析Innovation of  kitchenposition setting and the analysis of personnel allocation
3.如何实施部门整合、管理架构重组how to implement sectoral integration and management restructuring
4新厨政思路—“包产到户”new culinary ideas “household responsibility system”
模块三modules three
1.告别简单、繁琐的能耗节约办法say goodbye to simple and tedious energy saving measures
2 告别原始采购,堵住采购“黑洞”的新创举The new initiatives of plugging purchase“black hole”
3 人人争当菜品研发员 all staff strive to be food researcher
4.婚宴出品质量和上菜速度的改革the reform of wedding banquet product quality & serving speed
模块四 modules four
1.香港和瑞士酒店先进的厨政管理对我们的启示 the implications of Hong Kong and Switzerland advanced culinarymanagement
2 美国HACCP严格的食品安全体系对厨政管理新要求new requirements of US Strict food safety system HACCP
3单店模式和小微餐饮对厨政管理的深远影响profound influence for culinary management by  individual& small restaurant pattern
4. 让厨房培训不再枯燥新方法 kitchen training--no longer boring
1菜品设计---有所为,有所不为menu design --sth to do and not to do
2奖勤罚懒,绩效考核立新功performanceappraisal reward the diligent and punish thelazy 3 积分制管理厨房,老板不在头疼manage thekitchen by  using th points-based system4厨政管理ERP,管理更轻松 manage thekitchen by ERP , management is becoming easier
1档口外包的优劣势the advantages and disadvantages of food stalls outsourcing
2巧妙设计薪酬,厨房实现自我管理clever design of kitchen pay structure  
4 无底薪模式,厨师、老板都开心no base salary model, both chef and boss are happy
5 留住小弟十妙招ten methods to keep kitchen bus boys


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