

Distribution/Channel Management
●      如何决定适当的市场覆盖?
●      如何寻找适合的经销商?
●      如何做好销售的预测?
●      如何招募适当的经销商?
●      在签约后,怎么能够快速产生业绩?
●      如何让经销商承诺销售的目标?
●      如何让经销商做策略性的工作?也就是短期不赚钱,但是公司希望执行的工作。
●      如何让经销商做好服务性的工作?
●      如何让经销商准时付款?
●      如何激励销售商大幅度成长?
●      如何停止串货?渠道冲突?
●      ………
Under thefierce competition, there are many companies to proceed the transformation ofthe sales team and distributors/dealers. Compare to the distributors/dealers, the internal sales team is relativeeasier to handle, if the goals, strategies and supports are right.  There is very tough to deal with outsidedistributors or dealers.  Distributors ordealers, they work for their own agenda or priority.  Each distributor/dealer has their own opinionwhich worse the situation.  However,distributors/dealers are the inevitable growth engine for most of thecompanies.  That is always huge challengefor the ambitious companies.  Thosechallenges are:
●      How to decidestrategy for appropriate channel coverage?
●      How to searchthe good prospect distributor?
●      How to make aworkable sales forecast?
●      How to recruittargeted prospect distributor?
●      How togenerate the quick revenue after the contract signed?
●      How to enforcethe distributors to make commitment on the request quota?
●      How to askdistributor to take action on those strategic action, which won’t make money inshort term?
●      How to requestdistributors to improve their service level?
●      How to invitedistributor to pay A/R on time?
●      How tomotivate distributors to grow the sales in short period?
●      How to stopthe channel conflict?
●      ………
In thistraining program, start from the basic concept of distribution management withthe tools, to lead the participants work on their own challenge, to design theworkable systems and processes of the distribution management.  The systems and processes should consider thecurrent challenges and the future trend at the same time.  The training program will help theparticipants to familiar with the materials and tools, to apply the learning totheir own business practice, the reap the fruits from the nurturing on thedistribution management.
There are 11steps for the whole distribution management, which start from the corporatestrategy, define the positioning from the market research, screen the prospectfrom the selection criteria, and search the prospect distributors, and makeprofessional presentation, manage the activity for distributors’ performance,and motivation and management the grow and avoidance of the conflict.
Each companyhas different kinds of challenge, hence this program need certain level ofcustomization.  The content will bechanged according to different participants. As the variety of the situation/challenge, which will make the programto be academic easily.  As Vincent hasmore than 20 years of experience on channel management for various industrieswith prior interview with stakeholders, Vincent will adjust the content andtools to address the issues properly, to generate high training performance.
学习流程Learning Process
●       向学员介绍经销商的基本特征和功能。
●       让学员掌握经销商网络的选择和建立。
●       使学员提升对营销通路管理和掌控的能力。
●       提供操作性强的经销商评估和管理的工具。
●       建立经销商管理体系,并激励经销商。
In the course,there will be involved with variety of activities to ensure the participants’ learningperformance, the learning process as below:
●      The basic features and function ofdistributor
●      To understand how to select andrecruit class a distributors
●      To manage distributors' business plan,objectives and performance
●      To learn how to evaluate thedistributor with tools
●      To setup the process for thedistribution management
课程收益 Benefits
●      从终端购买者、经销商及厂家的角度看经销商管理
●      知道如何决定及管理渠道覆盖策略
●      掌握建设经销商体系的完整流程
●      预测市场环境对于销售的影响
●      了解寻找潜在经销商的途径,并如何进行招募
●      快速启动签约的经销商产生业绩
●      理解要如何进行经销商的生意管理,如何推动业务
●      学习如何激励经销商,管理冲突
After the course, participants willlearn:
●      How thedistribution management works from the perspective of end buyers, distributors,and principles?
●      To learn howto decide and manage the channel coverage strategy
●      To haveoverview on the cycle of distribution management
●      To learn howthe environment affect the distribution strategy
●      To identifythe sources of prospect, and to recruit identified prospect distributors
●      To facilitatethe revenue generation after the contract signed
●      To master thedistributors’ performance, to push the revenue growth with plan
●      To motivatethe distributor and manage the channel conflict
Distribution/Channel Management
模块  Module
课程大纲 Outline
时间分 Time (m)
教学方法 Activity
•  开场(客户方)Opening by host
•  破冰活动 Ice breaking
•  研讨公约 Ground rules
•  课程介绍 Overview of the program
•  讨论:学员面临的挑战是什么?Activity: What is the challenge?
•  内容讲解
•  猜猜看
•  小组讨论
•  Lecture
•  Small game
•  Group discussion
Module 1
Key concept of distribution  management
•  单元目的:介绍渠道的演变和基本理论,并从整体的分析来决定市场覆盖的策略
•  Objective: Introduction of the evolution of the  distribution and the basic theory
•   什么是渠道
•  what is channel
•  渠道的演变
•  evolution of channel structure
•  为什么生产商/最终使用者需要渠道
•  the importance of distributor for end buyers
•  生产商对于渠道商的重要性,要如何分析
•  how to analyze the importance of principle for  distributors
•  经销商需要什么样的生产商
•  the selection criteria for the principle for distributors
•  如何选市场覆盖策略
•  to define the coverage guideline
•  渠道设计流程的 11 步
•  he 11 steps to build distribution system
•  活动:制定覆盖策略及渠道覆盖现况
•  Activity: to define the practice of coverage guideline
•  内容讲解
•  技巧演示
•  小组讨论及简报
•  工具:渠道覆盖表
•  Lecture
•  Demo
•  Group discussion and presentation
•  Tools: Channel Coverage Sheet
Module 2
Market analysis
•  单元目的:从市场环境的分析开始,掌握市场竞争状态,并分析最终购买者的行为,然后制定销售的预测
•  Objective: Start from the market analysis and  competition, to analyze the end buyer’s behavior, then the sales forecast
•  进行大环境的分析,寻找销售商发展的限制和机会,用这分析作为经销商管理的基础。
•  to analyze the market environment as the base for the  distribution management
•  竞争者分析的三个步骤
•  3 steps for the competition analysis
•  消费者分析
•  Consumer analysis
•  销售预测与销售目标的不同
•  The difference between sales forecast and sales goal
•  活动:市场及竞争分析
•  Activity:
-  Market analysis, or
-  Analysis of the differentiation
•  内容讲解
•  技巧演示
•  小组讨论
•  工具:SWOT 表
•  Lecture
•  Demo
•  Group discussion and presentation
•  Tools: SWOT analysis
Module 3
selection and recruitment of  distributors
•  单元目的:掌握开拓经销商网络的流程
•  Objective: to master the process of channel development
•  渠道建设失败的原因
•  the reason of failed distribution management
•  设定经销商筛选条件
•  to select the criteria for selection
•  寻找潜在经销商的途径
•  the path to find potential distributor
•  招募被确认的潜在经销商的五个步骤
•  5 steps to recruit
•  整理你的渠道政策
•  to prepare your policy for distributors
•  确定公司的支持
•  confirm the support from corporate
•  如何对潜在经销商做有力的简报
•  the presentation for the potential distributors
•  签订合同及建立关系
•  contracting and relationship building
•  活动:
-  经销商的筛选表
-  寻找潜在经销商
-  制定渠道政策
-  进行潜在经销商的招募简报
•  Activity:
-  Selection criteria for distributor recruitment
-  To define the policy for distribution management
-  Role play for the presentation to potential distributor
•  内容讲解
•  技巧演示
•  小组讨论
•  角色扮演
•  工具:
-  经销商筛选清单
-  渠道政策清单
•  Lecture
•  Demo
•  Group discussion and presentation
•  Tools:
-  Selection Criteria List
-  Channel Policy List
Module 4
manage the distributor
•  单元目的:了解管理经销商的流程,从获得经销商的承诺,到确认达到目标
•  Objective: To master the distributors’ performance, to  push the revenue growth with plan
•  基本理念
•  basic concept
•  新经销商启动
•  on boarding of the new distributor
•  建立伙伴关系的五个法则
•  5 ways to build the relationship
•  四种有效的经销商沟通方式
•  4 types of effective communication with distributors
•  发展经销商共同生意计划及流程
•  to develop the Joint Business Plan, the process and  practice
•  如何说服经销商承诺销售量
•  how to win the commitment from distributors
•  活动:
-   检视目前的新经销商的启动程序
-   制作渠道咨询会议的提案
-   选择经销商简报的图表
-   进行  JBP的会议模拟
•  Activity:
-  Review the on boarding process
-  Role play for the dealer meeting
•  内容讲解
•  技巧演示
•  话术准备
•  小组讨论
•  角色扮演
•  工具:
-  经销商启动流程
-  经销商会议流程
•  Lecture
•  Demo
•  Group discussion and presentation
•  Tools:
-  On boarding process
-  Meeting agenda
Module 5
channel conflict and incentive plan
•  单元目的:学习如何激励经销商,管理冲突
•  Objective: To motivate the distributor and manage the  channel conflict
•  management of channel conflict
•  经销商激励措施
•  motivation for distributors
•  推的策略(Push)
•  Push strategy
•  拉的策略(Pull)
•  Pull strategy
•  培训活动
•  活动:
-   设计年度经销商激励活动
-   设计经销商项目启动计划
•  Activity:
-  Design your annual incentive program
•  内容讲解
•  技巧演示
•  小组讨论
•  工具:
-  经销商激励清单
•  Lecture
•  Demo
•  Group discussion and presentation
•  Tools:
-  Motivation list for distributors
总课时长度  Total training time
13小时 0分
休息时间 (break  time):上下午各一场 15 分钟休息 15  min per am/pm
中饭休息时间 (lunch  hour):1 个小时 1  hour



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