

Building Winning relationships
ProgramObjectives and Benefit
By the end of the programme you will be able to:
·        Build win-win relationshipswith your customers win more opportunities
·        Maintain good relationship withcustomers so to get the strong support and beneficial policy from the customers.
·        Plot your strengths andpitfalls in negotiating
·        Use a 2 phase model fornegotiating – preparing and bargaining
·        Direct negotiations to youradvantage by carefully planning your position
·        Plan extensively to avoidfailure in hostile negotiations
·        Get the best deal by handlinghostile negotiators professionally and ethically
Session1: Creating a Positive Impression
·        Make a successful first contact
·        Skills to make a positive impression
-      Mirroring body language
-      Adjusting your attitude
-      Giving complete attention
·        Influence others for buy-inwith a gentle pull
Session 2: Carry out aConsultation
·        Understand your clients needsusing a simple model – AIDA
·        Use questions to raisecustomers interest and uncover new opportunities
·        Learn different types ofquestions to up-sell to clients
·        Use a checklist to guide thediscussion – ‘Decision Tree’
In this session you learned how to use 6 persuasive techniques intosales consultation. These are:
Ø  Creativity
Ø Credibility
Ø Confidence
Ø Competence
Ø Caring
Ø Convincing

Youwill demonstrate how to deliver these by using short extracts from your
pre-prepared presentation. you can engage them in discussion.Inviting, then handling questions so to convince your clients and move them toclosing.
Session 3:   Negotiationfor Win-Win
Planning effectively is half the battle for the successfulnegotiator; deciding your best and worst limits is vital during the planning phase;knowing how to negotiate your tradeables is vital during the bargaining phase.
Use a classic 2 step model for negotiation. The steps are:
Ø Set objectives
Ø Decide fallback position
Ø Identify tradable
Ø Set the best and worst limits
Ø Use "what if"approaches
Ø Get the issues on the table
Ø Ask questions
Ø Clarify
Ø Trade concessions
Ø conclude
Session 4:   BuildingWinning Relationships
Thissession teaches you how to use winning behaviours which will ensure that peopleget to like you quickly. Target to the customers’ win & pain,displaying a positiveattitude, using your voice and eye contact, controlling your body language andengaging your clients are the success ingredients for building winningrelationships.
·        Questioning techniques todiscuss the client’s doubts and uncertainties
·        Help the client overcomebarriers through effective reasoning
·        Use closing techniques to movethe sale forward

l  与客户建立双赢的关系,赢得更多的合作机会
l  与客户保持良好的关系,以获得来自客户的强有力的支持和优惠政策
l  在谈判中规划你的优势和陷阱
l  在谈判中使用两阶段模型——准备阶段和讨价还价阶段
l  仔细规划你的位置,让谈判对你有利
l  周密规划你的谈判流程,以达到利益最大化,避免在敌对谈判中失利
第一模块:   给客户留下深刻的第一印象
l  成功的第一次接触
l  给客户留下深刻的第一印象
Ø  镜像的肢体语言
Ø  调整你的态度
Ø  提供完整的关注
l  说服和影响他人
第二部分:   说服式咨询技巧
l  洞察客户的赢点和痛点——AIDA 模型
l  通过精准提问来提高客户的兴趣,并发现新的机会
l  通过变换提问风格塑造客户理念,以获得更多合作机会,或引导客户购买
l  问题清单助推客户购买——帮客户规划他的“决策树”使用 6 种说服式咨询技巧,分别是:
Ø  创新的想法
Ø  真诚和坦荡
Ø  信心
Ø  能力
Ø  关怀
Ø  说服力

第三部分: 通过谈判达成双赢
在谈判中使用经典的 2 步模型。步骤是:
Ø  确定问题/设定目标
Ø  决定退守点
Ø  明确可交换条件
Ø  设定底线
Ø  采用“如果…..怎么样”的方法
Ø  把问题摆在桌子上
Ø  开局
Ø  精准提问
Ø  澄清
Ø  交换让步
Ø  成交
第四部分: 构建双赢的客户关系
只有当客户喜欢你,信任你的时候,客户才会购买。本节聚焦客户的赢点和痛点, 以积极的态度,讨论并关注客户的顾虑,在解决顾虑的过程中构建客户的信任。
l  面质技术,让客户开诚布公讨论他们的疑虑
l  帮助客户克服障碍达成共识
l  使用收官技巧来推动销售达成



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