

Switchfor You - Cross-Cultural Communication
Withbusiness and life becoming ever global, cross-cultural communication skill is amust-have for you to enjoy the international travels, business andrelationships.
Whentalking about cross-cultural communication, you might instantly think of habit,taboo, or custom. Please note that these elements are the least important, forthe simple fact that you will be easily forgiven if you make mistakes.Nevertheless, if you and the other person do not match in “thinking mode”, thenthe tension starts to grow and you may not even notice.
—— Youneed to know the four-dimensional cultural differences: behavior criteria,communication style, concept of time, and self-awareness. You also need tounderstand the positions of the world’s ten cultural clusters in the fourdimensions.
Whentalking about leadership, you might claim that “equalitarian style” is more appreciatedthan “Hierarchical style”. However, is it 100% certain that a democratic styleleader will be welcomed in a hierarchical institution? Does his charisma shinein this new place? Why do his team members describe him as incompetent andweak?
—— You needto get rid of cultural prejudice: there are no superior cultures or inferiorcultures.
When youare asked to switch your cultural personality to fit the other person, youmight be angry: “Why do I have to change? Why can”t he adapt to me?” “I feellike I am losing myself.”
——Youneed to find the “zone of optimal performance” across the “comfort zone” andthe “zone of appropriateness.”
When youare disappointed that traditional training cannot bring you the sense ofparticipation and achievement,
——Youneed Switch for You - Cross CulturalLeadership Simulation to apply the knowledge and explore the unknown in thehighly simulated scenarios.

The concept of “culture” wewill discuss in the course is not necessarily related to your passport. We willanalyze “culture” in four dimensions. The assessment tool will help youidentify your and your team’s cultural personalities in each dimension. We willcompare some countries’ positions in the four cultural dimensional scales. Thenwe will develop strategies for working with people from each side of thescales.
The course will give you two “tools”:cultural personality assessment tool, individual/team cultural compasses.
The course will equip youwith one “method”: identify “optimal zone” of the two cultures and switch culturalpersonality into the zone.
l  在四大维度中对自己的文化性格获得具体化认知
l  打造与不同文化性格的同事、上级和下属共处的策略?
l  了解不同文化性格的员工怎样搭配协作最高效?
l  在“自我舒适区”和“对方舒适区”中找到“最佳表现区”
After the course, you will be able to
l  Discover your own culturalpersonality in four dimensions
l  Increase the organizationalsuccess by understanding the behavior of colleagues
l  Create trust and negotiatecontracts with people from diversified backgrounds
l  Identify “optimal zone” in “zoneof appropriate” and “comfort zone”
大纲 Outline
Section 1
l  “我的世界”和“你的世界”版本不同
l  关于跨文化的三大迷思:
Discover the root of  cultural clash
l  THE world vs. YOUR world
l  Three misunderstandings about culture:
    The world is flat?
    Culture with border?
    Fit-all culture?
Learn the features of ten  cultural clusters in the world
Section II
l  行为指南:特殊主义 vs. 普遍主义
l  沟通方式:泛指沟通 vs. 特指沟通
l  时间观念:多向时间 vs. 单向时间
l  自我意识:集体主义 vs. 个人主义
Analyze culture in four  dimensions:
l  Particularism vs. Universalism
l  Diffused vs. Specific
l  Polychronic Time vs. Monochronic Time   
l  Collectivism vs. Individualism
Section III
l  完成测评问卷,绘制自己的文化罗盘
l  共同绘制团队的文化罗盘
l  比较两个罗盘:如果在某个维度上相异的分数大于10,则警灯亮起,说明在此维度上的文化性格差异大到有可能产生冲突
Know yourself
l  Complete the assessment questions and draw your cultural  personality compass
l  Compare your compass to your team member’s: if there are ten  points of difference on a certain scale, it is of high probability that you  two would have conflicts in that dimension
l  Draw the team’s cultural personality compass together
Section IV
l  如何让多元文化团队内部成员和谐地提出反对意见?
l  如何分别有效说服特殊主义/普遍主义文化性格的同事?
l  在和特指沟通文化性格的同事确认信息时,有哪几个层次?
l  如何让多向时间文化性格的同事与单向时间文化性格的同事调整成一致的步调?
l  在集体主义文化的团队里,怎样既能拿到下属的真实反馈,又不牺牲自己的权威?
l  在个人主义文化的团队里,怎样把控局面,实施有效监督?
Develop strategies for  working with people from each side of the four cultural dimensions
l  How do you get global teams to disagree agreeably?
l  How do you persuade someone from particularism/universalism  culture?
l  What are the levels of verification when communicating with  someone from specific culture?
l  What are the strategies for multicultural collaboration between  polychorinc time and monochronic time people?
l  What are the steps to get the input you need without compromising  the authority of your position in collectivism culture?
l  What are the steps to keep a handle on what is being accomplished  in individual culture?
Section V
l  切换文化性格时,避免产生自我背叛的消极情绪:
l  不强迫自己完全进入“异文化舒适区”
l  不隐藏在自己的“本文化舒适区”
l  找到“本文化舒适区”和“异文化舒适区”的交集——“最佳表现区”
l  逐步扩大“最佳表现区”,这样的跨文化性格切换才是自然而持久的
Apply the rules into action
l  Avoid the negative emotion of “self-betrayal” when doing the  cultural personality switch
l  Don’t force yourself into a complete “zone of appropriateness”
l  Don’t hide in “comfort zone”
l  Develop an overlapping area of “zone of optimal performance”  between “zone of appropriateness” and “comfort zone”
l  Expand the “zone of optimal performance” thus making the cultural  personality switch natural and long-lasting
Section VI
l  提高文化敏感性(沙盘):Eli国记者怎样说服Hua国的两位女性高官,答应其参加Hua国的神秘花园节,并做现场报道?
l  管理文化冲突(角色扮演):日本的潜在客户得罪了你的美国合作商,你该如何调解冲突,化危机为机会?有了策略后,如何向双方沟通?
l  切换文化性格(案例分析):法国坎沃尔公司为何最终没能谈成和中国某家壁纸厂的合作?
Simulation Experience
l  Switch cultural personality (case analysis): Why did Canadian  Canwall company fail in building business partnership with the Chinese  wallpaper factory?
l  Increase cultural sensitivity (sand board activity): How do the  journalists from Country Eli convince the two high officials from Country Hua  to visit their annual mysterious garden festival?
l  Manage cross cultural conflicts(role play): When the Japanese  potential client offended your American partner, how do you work out a  win-win-win solution? How do you convey your strategies to them respectively?


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