

(6课时,6 hours)
Thiscourse was rated as the most popular general education course by TsinghuaUniversity EMBA. To summary this course in one sentence is to"re-understand management from the perspective of psychology".
Withthe scientization of psychology, contemporary psychology has become a basicsubject of science. As a basic science, psychology has the same status asphysics and chemistry, and it will restrict and guide the direction of downstreamsciences. For example, economics, sociology, and management are all downstreamdisciplines of psychology. Due to the basic and oriented nature of psychology,psychological knowledge has become a necessary background for managers;psychological skills have also become common skills for leaders.
Inpractice, management psychology can achieve four values, namely, promoting teamperformance, improving leadership skills, improving the working environment,and conforming to social trends (as shown in the figure below). Aligning withthe four aspects, this course introduces the principles and applications ofmanagement psychology.
1.  拓展知识领域:了解心理学对管理的意义
2.  提升管理效率:优化影响效率的心理因素
3.  丰富领导技能:掌握符合心理的领导技能
4.  预见发展趋势:预见未来管理的心理趋势
1.  Expand knowledge domain: understand thesignificance of psychology
2.  Improve management efficiency: optimize thepsychological factors
3.  Enrich leadership skills: master psychologicalleadership skills
4.  Foresee the development trend: foresee thepsychological trend
1.  案例教学:以丰富的案例,讲述管理心理学的四个维度,让学员迅速理解相关的核心知识。
2.  情景演练:以精心的演练,让学员结合工作场景,演练相关技能,让学员迅速掌握相关技能。
1.  Perceptible:By case study, this course provides a stereoscopic profile of managementpsychology.
2.  Practical:By scenario exercise, this course shapes skills related with managementpsychology.
第一章 概述:从心理角度认识知识体系 (0.5课时)
第二章 演化:从心理角度了解管理演化 (0.5课时)
第三章 绩效:从心理角度优化绩效因素 (2课时)
第四章 技能:从心理角度提升管理技能 (2课时)
第五章 环境:从心理角度改善工作环境 (0.5课时)
第六章 趋势:从心理角度预见管理趋势 (0.5课时)
Chapter 1 Overview: Reviewing science froma psychological perspective
Chapter 2 Evolution: Reviewing managementfrom a psychological perspective
Chapter 3 Performance: Optimizing psychologicalfactors of performance
Chapter 4 Skills: Improving psychological skillsof management
Chapter 5 Environment: Improving the psychologicalenvironment
Chapter 6 Trends: Foresee management trendsfrom a psychological perspective
Intended participates
Topmanagers of established companies, executive team of startup companies.
Course format
Workshop,recommended number of class members is 35.
1.  Work breakdown skills exercise (20 minutes)
2.  Listening and motivating exercise (20minutes)
3.  Team instructing exercise (20 minutes)
Chapter1 Overview: Reviewing science from a psychological perspective
Chapter2 Evolution: Reviewing management from a psychological perspective
Chapter3 Performance: Optimizing psychological factors of performance
Chapter4 Skills: Improving psychological skills of management
Chapter5 Environment: Improving the psychological environment
Chapter6 Trends: Foresee management trends from a psychological perspective

第一章 概述:从心理角度认识知识体系
一 什么是基础学科
1.  学科体系:上游学科、前位学科
2.  学科序列:硬科学、软科学、准科学、类科学
二 什么是心理学
1.  研究对象:心理学的研究对象,行为和认知
2.  研究层面:心理学的六个研究层面
三 心理学的三重性
1.  知识:客观的知识体系
2.  技能:作用于外的技能
3.  能力:作用于内的能力
Ø  本章教学目标:让学员了解心理学为什么是基础科学
Chapter 1 Overview: Reviewing science froma psychological perspective
Pre-trainingquestion: Which subject is more basic, psychology or management?
1.  What is basic science
a)  Disciplinary system: upstream disciplines,former disciplines
b)  Discipline sequence: hard science, softscience, sub- and quasi-science
2.  what is psychology
a)  Object: the research object of psychology,behavior and cognition
b)  Level: six research levels of psychology
3.  The features of psychology
a)  Knowledge: Objective knowledge system
b)  Skills: Skills to apply to the outside
c)  Ability: Ability to apply to oneself
Ø  Benefitsfrom this chapter: understanding psychology as a basic science

第二章 演化:从心理角度了解管理演化
一 什么是管理心理学
1.  效率科学:如何提高工作效率
2.  人性科学:如何改善心理感受
二 管理心理学的里程碑
1.  经济人假设:科学管理运动
2.  社会人假设:霍桑工厂实验
3.  上进人假设:需求五层次理论
4.  自主人假设:X理论与Y理论
5.  成就人假设:动机双因素理论
6.  兴趣人假设:工作特性理论
ü  案例讲解:心理学对管理的推动
Ø  本章教学目标:让学员了解管理心理学的发展过程
Chapter2 Evolution: Reviewing management from a psychological perspective
Pre-trainingquestion: Is the human nature of workdiligence or laziness?
1.  what is management psychology
a)  Efficiency science: how to improve workefficiency
b)  Human Science: How to Improve MentalFeelings
2.  Human nature assumptions in managementpsychology
a)  Economic man: Scientific ManagementMovement
b)  Social man: Hawthorne Factory Experiment
c)  Self-motivated man: Hierarchy of needs
d)  Autonomous man: Theory X and Theory Y
e)  Pursuing man: two-factor theory of motivation
f)  Interested man: job characteristic theory
ü  Caseexplanation: Psychology's promotion of management
Ø  Benefitsfrom this chapter: understanding the evolution of management psychology

第三章 绩效:从心理角度优化绩效因素
1.  属事因素:程序、流程、信息、工具
2.  属人因素:感受、学习、能力、态度
1.  学习过程:工作怎样从陌生到熟悉
2.  融入过程:团队怎样从排斥到归属
3.  提高过程:技能怎么从良好到卓越
4.  发展过程:能力怎么从局部到全面
1.  工作分解:工作任务怎么有效分解
2.  程序改进:工作方法怎么持续改进
3.  信息简化:怎样能让信息易于传播
4.  工具优化:怎样能让工具易于使用
ü  案例讲解:人人都参与的精益管理
l  小组练习1:工作分解的技巧练习
Ø  本章教学目标:让学员了解影响绩效的心理因素
Chapter 3 Performance: Optimizing psychologicalfactors of performance
Pre-trainingquestion: Is diligence the main source of performance?
1.  What psychological factorswill affect work efficiency?
a)  Matter factors: procedures,processes, information, tools
b)  Human factors: feelings,learning, ability, attitude
2.  Which human factors should befocused on management?
a)  Learning process: how to makethe work from unfamiliar to familiar
b)  Integration process: how theteam goes from rejection to integration
c)  Improvement process: how to improveskills from good to excellent
d)  Development process: How to achievecomprehensive ability
3.  Which matter factors shouldbe managed?
a)  Work breakdown: how to effectivelybreakdown tasks
b)  Process improvement: how tocontinuously improve working methods
c)  Information simplification:how to make information easy to spread
d)  Tool optimization: how tomake tools easy to use
ü  Case study: the Lean management of total participation
l  Group exercise 1: Work breakdown skillsexercise
Ø  Benefits from this chapter: understandingthe psychological factors that affect performance

第四章 技能:从心理角度提升管理技能
一 如何提高工作中的人际技能
1.  倾听技巧:如何增加团队的凝聚力
2.  表达能力:如何提高下属的理解力
3.  激励方式:如何引导下属主动成长
4.  行为纠正:如何推动下属积极改善
l  小组练习2:倾听和激励技巧练习
二 如何提高工作中的概念技能
1.  计划能力:如何提高思维的计划性
2.  判断能力:如何提高判断的准确性
3.  分析能力:如何提高分析的深刻性
4.  决策能力:如何提高决策的有效性
三 管理者需要哪些关键技能
1.  联动设置:怎样让团队工作更高效
2.  升维规划:怎么让团队视野更开阔
l  小组练习3:团队指令的技巧练习
Ø  本章教学目标:让学员掌握符合心理的领导技能
Chapter 4 Skills: Improving psychologicalskills of management
Pre-trainingquestion: How to classify management skills?
1.  How to improve human skills
a)  Listening skills: how to increase teamcohesion
b)  Expressing skills: how to improve theunderstanding of subordinates
c)  Incentive skills: how to guide subordinates’development
d)  Correcting skills: how to correctsubordinates’ working behavior
l  Groupexercise 2: Practice listening and motivational skills
2.  How to improve conceptual skills
a)  Planning ability: how to improve theplanning of thinking
b)  Judgment ability: how to improve theaccuracy of judgment
c)  Analytical ability: how to improve thedepth of analysis
d)  Decision-making ability: how to improve theeffectiveness of decision
3.  Key skills that managers need
a)  Linkage settings: how to make team workmore efficient
b)  Upgrading planning: how to make the team'svision wider
l  Groupexercise 3: Skills exercise of team instruction
Ø  Benefitsfrom this chapter: mastering the psychological skills of management

第五章 环境:从心理角度改善工作环境
一 什么是工作环境
1.  物理环境:物化的外在空间
2.  感受环境:个人的内在感受
3.  人际环境:人际的互动感受
二 感受环境的改善
1.  情绪改善:情绪感受有哪些共情
2.  审美改善:审美体验有哪些共性
3.  角色改善:个人对环境的主导性
ü  案例讲解:个人主导性对寿命的影响
三 人际环境的改善
1.  互动改善:人际互动有哪些共性
2.  身份改善:对象身份有哪些共性
3.  信念改善:人际信念有哪些共性
ü  案例讲解:对象身份对归属感的影响
Ø  本章教学目标:让学员了解改善工作氛围的方法技巧
Chapter5 Environment: Improving the psychological environment
Pre-trainingquestion: What kind of work environment do people like?
1.  What is the working environment?
a)  Physical environment: materialized externalspace
b)  Sensory environment: personal innerfeelings
c)  Interpersonal environment: interpersonalinteraction feelings
2.  Improving the sensory environment
a)  Emotional improvement: empathy of emotionalfeelings
b)  Aesthetic improvement: commonalities ofaesthetic experience
c)  Role improvement: dominance of theenvironment
ü  Casestudy: the influence of personal dominance on life longevity
3.  Improving interpersonal environment
a)  Interaction improvement: commonalities ininterpersonal interaction
b)  Identity improvement: commonalities of the self-identity
c)  Faith improvement: commonalities ofinterpersonal beliefs
ü  Caseexplanation: the influence of object identity on sense of belonging
Ø  Benefitsfrom this chapter: understanding the methods and skills to improve the working environment.

第六章 趋势:从心理角度预见管理趋势
一 当代管理心理学有哪些特色
1.  管理革命:以积极情绪为中心的管理变革
2.  集体智商:以专业知识为基础的决策变革
二 未来管理心理学的可能趋势
1.  人际边界:人与人之间的边界意识加强
2.  人格假设:基于独立人格的社会学假设
3.  契约等级:情景化和契约化的组织等级
4.  多元价值:基于人性的多元价值观并存
5.  分布决策:专业分工形成的分布式决策
Ø  本章教学目标:让学员预见管理心理学的发展方向
Chapter6 Trends: Foresee management trends from a psychological perspective
Pre-trainingquestion: What kind of company will the next generation like?
1.  What are the characteristics ofcontemporary management psychology?
a)  Management revolution: management focuseson positive emotions
b)  Collective IQ: decision-making bases onprofessional knowledge
2.  Possible trends in future managementpsychology
a)  Interpersonal boundary: the boundary awarenessis strengthened
b)  Personality assumption: society is based onindependent personality
c)  Contract hierarchy: organizationalhierarchy is based on contract
d)  Multiple values: coexistence of multiplevalues based on human nature
e)  Distributed decision: decision isdistributed by profession
Ø  Benefitsfrom this chapter: foreseeing the development of management psychology.


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