贾富春律师 某律师事务所主任,创始合伙人、著名劳动法、公司法专家、全国优秀劳动仲裁员、高级培训师;北京大学经济总裁班、清华大学领导力班特聘讲师、中央财经大学硕士研究生校外导师、《中国劳动保障报》“论剑”栏目特邀主持人,国企改制地方政府法律专家顾问,北京市劳动保障法学会会员,劳动关系研究所特邀研究员。应邀为中央电视台、广播电台、北京电视台、《劳动保障报》、《新京报》、《法制晚报》、《华夏时报》、《父母必读》、《人才市场报》及《北京劳动就业》等发表各类点评、评论百余次。 Mr. Jia Fuchun,the chief lawyer of Dao Yuan law firm, one of the founding partners, is also afamous expert in Labor Law and Company Law. Mr. Jia is an outstandingarbitrator in labor dispute, a senior trainer, the director and chief lawyer ofLabourlawhr.com online. He is also the General Planner of the periodical ofLabourlawhr.com online. Mr. Jia is the distinguished lecturer of the economic president class of PekingUniversity and the leadership class of Tsinghua University, the postgraduateinstructor outside the school in Central University of Finance and Economics,the special host of the "ChinaLabor Security News", the law expert advisor of local government in the reform of state-owned enterprises, memberof Beijing Labor Law and Social Security Law Society and the special researcherof labor relationship research institute.As a famous expert in law,Mr. Jia has been invited to comment by CCTV,CNR, BTV, "China Labor Security News","Beijing News", "Legal EveningNews", "The Chinese Times", "Parents Required","The Talented Person newspaper" and "Beijing Employment"etc. more than 100 times. 贾富春律师在劳动法律服务领域的主要业绩: 诉讼方面 某外资公司与公司高管奖金争议案(涉案金额150万元,公司胜诉)。 某德资公司因裁员引起53人集体争议案(企业胜诉,节约补偿费用208万元)。 深圳某制造型美资公司300人集体争议加班费案(调解结案,企业支付的加班费为员工诉讼请求的3%。) 某港资公司女职工孕期辞退案(历时一年半,涉及诉讼请求9项,最终维持企业辞退结果)。 Majoraccomplishments in labor law service area: Litigationaspect: Bonusesdispute between a foreign company and the company’s executives (with illegalmoney 150 million yuan and the company wins). Collectivedispute of 53 persons caused by downsizing of a Germany capitalenterprise(theenterprise wins, saving compensation fees of 208 million). Collectivedispute of 300 persons caused by charge for overtime of a manufacturingAmerica-invested company in Shenzhen (with conciliation and the charge forovertime paid by enterprise was 3% .of the employees’ claims) Dismissinga female employee during pregnancyby a Hongkong-investedcompany (taking one year and a half, involving 9 claims and with the result of maintaining dismissing result). 非诉方面: 为著名的跨国公司---日本东芝、西门子提供人事制度的审查、修订; 为著名的金融机构---花旗银行、中信银行提供审查、修订和完善规章制度等服务。 为世界500强企业---中国石油提供培训、咨询及审查、修订和完善规章制度等服务。 为知名的跨国物流企业---DHL提供裁减50人的全程法律跟踪服务。 为国内最权威的工程咨询企业---中国国际工程咨询公司提供规章制度及劳动关系管理流程订制服务。 为著名的、具有高校背景的----同方股份公司培训、咨询及审查、修订和完善规章制度等服务。 为国内最大地产企业、上市公司---金融街控股提供审查、修订和完善规章制度等服务。 Providingthe examination and revision of personnel system to well-known multinationalcompany - Japanese Toshiba, Siemens Providingexamination, revision and improvement of the regulatory framework to famousfinancial institutions - Citibank, Citic bank Providingtraining, consulting examination, revision and improvement of the regulatoryframework to the world 500 strong enterprises -- - PetroChina Providingthe whole legal tracking service for cutting 50 employees. To the well-knownmultinational logistics enterprise - DHL Providingthe regulations and ordering the regulatory framework on labor relationsmanagement processes. to the most authoritative domestic engineering consultingenterprise -- - CIECC Providingtraining, consulting , examination,revision and improvement of the regulatoryframework .to thefamous enterprise with university background - tongfang Providingexamination, revision and improvement of the regulatory framework.to thebiggest domestic real estate enterprises and listed companies -Financial StreetHolding Co.
...... ...... 培训方面 全国人事劳动系统干部法规培训特邀讲师; 清华大学领导力班特聘讲师; 北京大学总裁班特聘讲师; 全国企业家联合会特聘讲师; 北京市企业联合会特聘讲师; 工商联会员单位劳动法律培训特邀讲师; 前程无忧、中华英才、智联招聘、外资企业HR协会劳动关系课程特邀讲师。 Trainingaspect: the distinguishedtraining lecturer of national labor/personnel system cadre regulations the distinguished lecturer of the economic president class of PekingUniversity and the leadership class of Tsinghua University, the distinguished lecturer of thenational entrepreneurs federation the distinguished lecturer of Beijingenterprise confederation the distinguished lecturer laborlaw training of Federation member unit the distinguished lecturer on laborrelationship of 51job, ChinaHR.com, zhaopin.com and foreign-owned enterprise HR association 著作方面: 《劳动和社会保障法律案例教程》; 《工会与职工维权》; 《企业劳资纠纷规避实务》。 Works: "Tutorial of labor and social security law case "; Theunions and safeguarding ofworkers' rights "; Thepractice of evading industrial dispute in enterprise"。
主要客户: 西门子、可口可乐、中石油(中石油集团、中石油股份、华北油田、大港油田、青海油田、吐哈油田、物资装备、石油管道、研究院)、中石化、联想集团、中外运集团、中元国际、中煤集团、中国电力、中国烟草、中国移动、中国电信、中国网通、三星电子、清华同方、北大方正、万和恒运、花王(中国)投资、日本东芝、诺和诺德、百诺科医药、中国药材集团、中国民航、中国机械设备总公司、中国铁道、华融投资集团、中原地产、中城建、中汽国际、华糖洋华堂、阪急交通社、恒安人寿、彩虹集团、威宁谢、海天国际、富士胶片、柯尼卡美能达、IBM、三星电器、松下、花旗银行、渣打银行、加拿大皇家银行、东亚银行、中信银行、中英人寿、中国平安、OCS、雀巢、紫竹药业、华瑞制药、TTD、计算机世界、时代光华等。 Mainclients: Siemens,Coca-Cola, petrochina (petrochina group, petrochina shares, huabei oilfield, indagang oilfield, qinghai oilfield, tuba oilfield, materials, equipment, oilpipelines, institute), sinopec, lenovo group, Sinotrans IPPR international,China coal group, China power, China tobacco, China mobile, China telecom,China Netcom, Samsung electronics, Tsinghua Tongfang, Peking founder, and HengYun,kao (China) investment, Japanese Toshiba, Debbi and Nord, Connaught Seccomedicine, Chinese medicine group, China civil aviation, China mechanicalequipment corporation, China railway, Wisewin investment group, of Centalineproperty, urban construction, ZhongQi international, China YangHuaTang, sugarrush traffic clubs, Heng came through life, rainbow group, Weining x, Haitianinternational, Fuji film, Konica Minolta, IBM, Samsung appliances, Panasonic, Citibank,standard chartered bank, royal bank of Canada, bank of east Asia, Citic bank,Sino-British life, China peace, OCS, nestle, zizhu pharmaceutical company, Huaruipharmaceutical, TTD continued, computer world, times Guanghua, etc.
Mr. Jia has beeninvited to comment by CCTV,CNR, BTV, "China Labor SecurityNews","Beijing News", "LegalEvening News", "The Chinese Times", "ParentsRequired", "The Talented Person newspaper" and "BeijingEmployment" etc. more than 100 times.