1. Sheng Hong, Chuan Lv, Tingdi Zhao, et al. Cascading failure analysis and restoration strategy in an interdependent network [J]. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2016, 49(19): 195101. (SCI Indexed,Q1分区,IF=1.933) .
2. Sheng Hong, Baoqing Wang, Xiaomin Ma, et al. Failure cascade in interdependent network with traffic loads[J]. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2015, 48(48): 485101. (SCI Indexed,Q1分区,IF=1.933).
3. Sheng Hong, Hongqi Yang, Zio E, et al. A novel dynamics model of fault propagation and equilibrium analysis in complex dynamical communication network [J]. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2014, 247: 1021-1029. (SCI Indexed,Q1分区).
4. Sheng Hong, Xiaojie Zhang, Juxing Zhu, et al. Suppressing failure cascades in interconnected networks: Considering capacity allocation pattern and load redistribution[J]. Modern Physics Letters B, 2016, 30(05): 1650049. (SCI Indexed).
5. Sheng Hong, Zheng Zhou, Zio E, et al. An adaptive method for health trend prediction of rotating bearings [J]. Digital Signal Processing, 2014, 35: 117-123. (SCI Indexed,Q2分区) .
6. Sheng Hong, Zheng Zhou, Enrico Zio, et al. Condition assessment for the performance degradation of bearing based on a combinatorial feature extraction method [J], Digital Signal Processing, 2014, (SCI Indexed,Q2分区) .
7. Sheng Hong, Hongqi Yang, Tingdi Zhao, et al. Epidemic spreading model of complex dynamical network with the heterogeneity of nodes[J]. International Journal of Systems Science,2016,47(11):2745-2752.(SCI Indexed,Q1分区,IF=1.947).
8. Sheng Hong, Zheng Zhou, Chen Lu, Baoqing Wang, Tingdi Zhao. Bearing remaining life prediction using Gaussian Process Regression with composite kernel functions [J]. Journal of Vibroengineering. 2015. (SCI Indexed) .
9. Sheng Hong, Hongqi Yang, et al. Analysis of propagation dynamics in complex dynamical network based on disturbance propagation model [J]. International Journal of Modern Physics B 28.22 (2014) (SCI Indexed).
10. Sheng Hong, Baoqing Wang, Li G, et al. Performance Degradation Assessment for Bearing Based on Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition and Gaussian Mixture Model [J]. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2014, 136(6): 061006. (SCI Indexed,Q2分区).
11. Sheng Hong, Bo Zhang, Hongqi Yang, Applying probability control to cognitive CDMA communication system for anti-interference [J], Electronics Letters, 2013, 49(5): 370-372. (SCI Indexed).
12. Guoqi Li, Yuanxun Shao,Sheng Hong, Bin Liu. An IPC-based Prolog design pattern for integrating backward chaining inference into applications or embedded systems [J]. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2014, 27(6), 1571-1577. (SCI Indexed,Q1分区) .
13. Sheng Hong, Yafei Xu, Jianshan Di, Guodong Zhao, Fengyuan Zhang, Qishan Zhang. The Inhibition Effect of Bridge Function Smart Code on Multipath Interference and Multiple Access Interference in Cognitive Radio System [J], Information-an International Interdisciplinary Journal, 2011, 14(3): 1087-1092. (SCI Indexed)
14. Sheng Hong, Yang Dongkai, Liu Kefei, He Xiaoxiang, Manos M. Tentzeris. Robust passive beamformer using bridge function sequences as weights [J], IEICE Electronics Express, 2009, 6(16): 1192-1198. (SCI Indexed)
15. Kan Hong, Sheng Hong.Real-time stress assessment using thermal imaging[J].Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg,2015,32(11),1369-1377. (SCI Indexed)
16. Shuliang Gao,Sheng Hong, Cheng Gao, et al. The high-accuracy ionosphere correcting algorithm for GNSS signals based on kalman filter [J], IEICE Electronics Express, 2011, 8(5): 266-272. (SCI Indexed)
17. He Xiaoxiang,Sheng Hong, Xiong Huagang, Zhang Qishan, Manos M. Tentzeris, Design of a novel high-gain dual-band antenna for WLAN applications [J], IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2009, 8: 798-801. (SCI Indexed,Q2分区)
18. Ying Li, Jun Huang,Sheng Hong, Zhe Wu, Zhanhe Liu, A new assessment method for the comprehensive stealth performance of penetration aircrafts [J], Aerospace Science and Technology, 2011, 15(7): 511-518. (SCI Indexed,Q1分区)
19. Yun-Ping Qi, Jun-Gang Miao,Sheng Hongand Manos M. Tentzeris, Characterization of Extraordinary Transmission for A Single Subwavelength Slit:A Fabry-P´erot-Like Formula Model[J], IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Technology, 2010, 58(12):3657-3665. (SCI Indexed,Q1分区,IF=2.36)
20. Hongsheng ZHAO, Xiaohao XU, Jun ZHANG,Sheng Hong. Lateral Flight Technical Error Estimation Model for Performance Based Navigation [J]. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2011,24(3):329-336 (SCI Indexed,Q2分区)