

Four Dimensions of Human resource Strategy
(12课时,12 hours)
This is a brand course of TsinghuaEMBA. To summarize this course in one sentence, is “the blueprint of humanresource strategy”.
There are four dimensions of human resourcestrategy, namely, efficiency, staffing, organization, and culture. Anoutstanding HR strategy, is a combination of those four sub strategies (asshown in the diagram above).
A company's hard power is based on executivepower, which comes from the company's efficiency strategy. A company's personneladvantages come from the company's staffing strategy. A company’s systemadvantage comes from the organizational strategy, which makes all departmentscoordinate and cooperate smoothly. The company's soft power comes from thecompany's cultural strategy, which can build the company's positive image, andcan root the image deeply in people's minds.
Aligning with the four dimensions of HR strategy,this course introduces the planning and implementing of HR strategy.
1.  系统知识:学习该课程,学员能全面了解人力资源战略的组成部分,以及各部分之间的相互作用。
2.  关键技能:学习该课程,学员能迅速掌握人力资源战略的规划过程,以及战略实施要点。
1.  Systematicknowledge: In this course, you will see the big picture of human resourcestrategy.
2.  Criticalskills: In this course, you will develop new skills for planning andimplementing human resource strategy.
1.  案例教学:以丰富的案例,讲述人力资源战略的四个维度,让学员迅速掌握人力资源战略的结构和步骤。
2.  情景演练:以精心的演练,让学员结合工作场景,演练战略规划实施技能,让学员达到知行合一。
1.  Perceptible:By case study, this course provides a stereoscopic profile of the humanresource strategy.
2.  Practical:By scenario exercise, this course shapes skills of HR strategy planning andimplementing.
第一章 战略概述:人力资源的战略意义(1课时)
第二章 效率战略:构建强大的效率优势(2课时)
第三章 人才战略:构建持久的人才优势(3课时)
第四章 组织战略:构建全面的系统优势(1.5课时)
第五章 文化战略:构建深远的文化优势(1.5课时)
第六章 战略实施:人力资源的战略实施(3课时)
Chapter 1 Overview, understanding humanresource strategy (1 hour)
Chapter 2 Efficiency, building hard power ofexecution (2 hours)
Chapter 3 Staffing,building lasting personneladvantages (3 hours)
Chapter 4 Organization, building overallsystem advantages (1.5 hours)
Chapter 5 Culture, building universal softpower of culture (1.5 hours)
Chapter 6 Implementation, steps of humanresource strategy (3 hours)
第一天 上午 9:00—12:00
第一章 战略概述:人力资源的战略意义
第二章 效率战略:构建强大的效率优势
第一天 下午 13:30—16:30
第三章 人才战略:构建持久的人才优势
第二天 上午 9:00—12:00
第四章 组织战略:构建全面的系统优势
第五章 文化战略:构建深远的文化优势
第二天 下午 13:30—16:30
第六章 战略实施:人力资源的战略实施
1st Day,9:00—12:00
Chapter 1 Overview, understanding humanresource strategy
Chapter 2 Efficiency, building hard power ofexecution
1st Day, 13:30—16:30
Chapter 3 Staffing, building lastingpersonnel advantages
2nd Day, 9:00—12:00
Chapter 4Organization, building overall system advantages
Chapter 5 Culture, building universal softpower of culture
2nd Day, 13:30—16:30
Chapter 6 Implementation, steps of humanresource strategy
Intended participates
Top managers of established companies, executive team ofstartup companies.
Course format
Workshop, recommended number of class members is 35.
1.        效率战略的模拟演练:演练成果,流程缺陷的定位 (30分钟)
2.        人才战略的模拟演练:演练成果,生涯发展的规划 (30分钟)
3.        组织战略的小组讨论:讨论成果,组织结构的优化 (15分钟)
4.        文化战略的小组讨论:讨论成果,文化理念的提取 (15分钟)
5.        人力资源的战略推演:推演成果,战略项目的起点 (30分钟)
Classroom exercises
1.  Locatingthe defects of project process (30 minutes)
2.  Rehearsalof staffing strategy (30 minutes)
3.  Discussionof organization strategy (15 minutes)
4.  Discussionof culture strategy (15 minutes)
5.  Rehearsalof strategy implementation (30 minutes)

Course outline
第一章 战略概述:人力资源的战略意义
一 人力资源管理的三个阶段
1.   人事阶段:专业事务导向,提高效率 1960s以前
2.   资源阶段:资源价值导向,发现价值 60s到80s
3.   战略阶段:核心优势导向,构建优势 80s以后
二 人力资源的战略因素
1.  个人内隐因素:特质、信念、习惯
2.  个人外显因素:知识、技能、能力
3.  组织外显因素:程序、流程、结构
4.  组织内隐因素:理念、惯例、习俗
三 人力资源的战略价值
1.  内部容易复制:高效执行力
2.  外部难以模仿:核心竞争力
ü  案例讲解:麦当劳、海底捞、苹果、迪斯尼的外包体系
Ø  本章的教学目标:让学员了解人力资源的战略因素。
Chapter 1 Overview,understanding human resource strategy
Pre-training question of this chapter: How tojudge the of maturity level of a company’s human resource management.
1.  The threestages of human resource management
a)  Personnelmanagement, efficiency directed
b)  Resourcemanagement, value directed
c)  Strategymanagement, advantage directed
2.  Elementsof human resource strategy
a)  Personalimplicit elements, trait, belief, habit
b)  Personalexplicit elements, knowledge, skill, ability
c)  Organizationalexplicit elements, procedure, process, structure
d)  Organizationalimplicit elements, idea, custom, tradition
3.  Strategicvalue of human resource elements
a)  Easy toduplicate, effective execution
b)  Hard toimitate, core competitiveness
ü  Case study, the outsourcing system of HiHotpot, McDonald’s, Apple
Ø  Benefits from this chapter: distinguish the elementsof HR strategy.

第二章 效率战略:构建强大的效率优势
一 效率的来源
1.  个人效率:作业管理
2.  团队效率:岗位管理
3.  项目效率:流程管理
二 提高作业效率
1.  作业效率的障碍:技能主动优化
2.  提高效率的方法:动作时间分析
三 提高岗位效率
1.  岗位效率的障碍:团队岗位同质化
2.  提高效率的方法:团队化工作设计
四 提高流程效率
1.  流程效率的障碍:流程因素模糊
2.  提高效率的方法:流程因素优化
l  小组练习1:演练,流程缺陷的定位
Ø  本章的教学目标:让学员掌握的效率战略的关键技能。
Chapter 2 Efficiency,building hard power of execution
Pre-training question of this chapter: How toenable ordinary people to achieve extraordinary works?
1.  Sourceof efficiency
a)  Personalefficiency: task management
b)  Teamworkefficiency: post management
c)  Projectefficiency: process management
2.  Increasingtask efficiency
a)  Obstacleof task efficiency: proactive improving of skills
b)  Methodof increasing task efficiency: motion/time study
3.  Increasingpost efficiency
a)  Obstacleof post efficiency: homogenizing of posts
b)  Methodof increasing post efficiency: team-based job design
4.  Increasingprocess efficiency
a)  Obstacleof process efficiency: blurred factors of process
b)  Methodof increasing process efficiency: optimizing of factors
l  Team exercise 1: locating of process defects
Ø  Benefits from this chapter: understanding theimplement steps of efficiency strategy.
第三章 人才战略:构建持久的人才优势
一 人才选拔体系:如何发现适合的人才
1.        胜任力模型:人岗匹配的标杆
2.        高潜力人才:后备力量的来源
二 培训体系:如何引导员工掌握知识、提升技能
1.        知识云库:岗位知识的信息化
2.        知识滴灌:如何高效获取知识
3.        情景模拟:工作情景的行为模拟
三 能力开发体系:如何激励员工提升能力
1.        主动适应:工作压力的分段适应
2.        主动脱敏:压力情景的主动适应
四 管理发展体系:如何助力管理者的成长
1.        基层管理者:管理培训生
2.        中层管理者:接班人计划
3.        高层管理者:初级董事会
l  小组练习2:演练,管理人才的生涯规划
ü  本章教学目标:让学员掌握人才战略的关键技能。
Chapter 3 Staffing, building lasting personnel advantages
Pre-trainingquestion of this chapter: Is learning an employee's personal responsibility orthe company's organizational behavior?
1.   Talents selecting system
a)   Competency model, benchmark of abilities
b)   High potential talent system, finding futuretalents
2.   Training system
a)   Knowledge cloud: digitalization of working knowledge
b)   Knowledge drip-irrigation: behavioral approachof learning
c)   Behavior imitation of working situation
3.   Ability developing system
a)   Progressive adaptation of work situation
b)   Systematic desensitization of work stresses
4.   Management developing system
a)   Management trainee program
b)   Successor program
c)   Junior board meeting program
l Teamexercise 2: Career planning for managerial talents
Ø Benefitsfrom this chapter: understanding the stages of staffing strategy.
第四章 组织战略:构建全面的系统优势
一 组织战略的作用对象
1.  结构:目标分解与成果合并
2.  机制:组织目标的排序方式
二 组织结构
1.  结构的因素:层级、线路、部门、跨度、规范
2.  结构的作用:组织效能的固化与调整
ü  案例解读:诺基亚、苹果、谷歌,组织结构的演化
三 组织机制
1.  机制的类型:决策、保障、监督、纠错、优化
2.  机制的价值:组织智商的挖掘与升华
ü  案例讲解:拿破伦、毛奇、CEO,组织机制的演化
四 组织战略的实施
1.  结构的主动调整:强化目标效能
2.  机制的主动引入:强化组织智商
l  小组练习3:讨论,组织结构的优化
Ø  本章教学目标:让学员了解组织战略的推进步骤。
Chapter 4 Organization, building overall systemadvantages
Pre-training question of this chapter: What do companiesof high quality have in common?
1.   Functional components of Organizationstrategy
a)   Structure: The breaking down sequence oforganizational goal
b)   Mechanism: the sequencing insurance oforganizational objectives
2.   About organizational structure
a)   Structure factors: level, line, department,span, specification
b)   Value of structure: stabilization oforganizational efficacy
ü Casestudy: the evolution of organization structure
3.   About system mechanism
a)   Types of mechanism: decision, insurance,supervision, correction
b)   Value of mechanism: exploring organizationalwisdom
ü Casestudy: the evolution of system mechanism
4.   Implementation of organization strategy
a)   Structure adjusting, strengthening targetedefficacy
b)   Mechanism adopting, strengtheningorganizational wisdom
l Teamexercise 3: adjusting of organizational structure
Ø Benefitsfrom this chapter: understanding the stages of organization strategy.
第五章 文化战略:构建深远的文化优势
一 什么是企业文化
1.  共同观念:成员共同的内在信念
2.  共同行为:成员共有的行为习惯
二 文化的因素
1.  表象因素:距离、假设、追求、偏好、取向
2.  作用因素:觉察、认同、契约、归属、承诺
三 文化优化的方法
1.  理念排序:文化理念的顺序排列
2.  范式转化:理念行为的提取固化
四 文化战略的成果
1.  多元适应性:适应多元文化社会
2.  代际适应性:适应代际观念差异
l  小组练习4:讨论,文化理念的提取
Ø  本章教学目标:让学员掌握文化管理的关键操作。
Chapter5 Culture, building universal soft power of culture
Pre-trainingquestion of this chapter: What kind of company do young people want to join?
1.  What isculture
a)  Commonbelieves of organization members
b)  Commonbehaviors of organization members
2.  Factorsof culture
a)  Presentational:distance, hypothesis, pursuit, preference, choice
b)  Functional:awareness, conformity, contract, belonging, commitment
3.  Methodof shaping corporate culture
a)  Sequencingof cultural ideas
b)  Patterningof cultural behaviors
4.  Theachievement of culture strategy
a)  Adaptivenessof pluralistic society
b)  Adaptivenessof mutigenerational groups
l  Team exercise 4: refining of cultural believes
Ø  Benefits from this chapter: Finding the pathto upgrading culture effectiveness.
第六章 战略实施:人力资源的战略实施
一 人力资源战略的预期目标
1.  效率目标:建成持续优化的系统流程
2.  人才目标:形成人才辈出的培训体系
3.  组织目标:构建目标导向的组织结构
4.  文化目标:树立以人为本的企业形象
二 战略推进的前期准备
1.  明确目标:描述战略目标的预期形态
2.  组建团队:组建战略实施的核心团队
3.  规划路径:规划达成战略目标的路径
4.  单点突破:规范关键情景的操作程序
三 战略推进的实施步骤
1.  效率战略的步骤:作业、岗位、流程,由点到面
2.  人才战略的步骤:开发、培训、甄选,由面到点
3.  组织战略的步骤:产品、结构、机制,由实到虚
4.  文化战略的步骤:理念、行为、动作,由虚到实
l  小组练习5:演练,选择战略推进的起点
Ø  本章教学目标:让学员掌握文化管理的关键操作。
Chapter8 Practice Knowhow of organization development project
Pre-trainingquestion of this chapter: What are the differences between the HR President andthe HR Director in their job responsibilities?
1.  Expectedachievement of human resource strategy
a)  Efficiency,building a total process system
b)  Staffing,building a talent supply system
c)  Mechanism,building a goal-oriented structure
d)  Culture,building a people-oriented company image
2.  Preparationof strategy implementation
a)  Objective,describing the objectives of strategy
b)  Team, forminga team of experts for strategy implementation
c)  Path,planning the path to achieve strategic goals
d)  Focus, Settingoperation procedures for key situations
3.  Stagesof strategy implementation
a)  Efficiencystrategy, from motion to process
b)  Staffingstrategy, from development to selection
c)  Organizationstrategy, from product to mechanism
d)  Culturestrategy, from idea to motion
l  Team exercise 5: locking the start point ofstrategy
Ø  Benefits from this chapter: Understanding theknowhow of HR strategy.


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